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Exterior information boards are often the first source of information. Local authorities can use them for placing official announcements or they can be used for posting public messages for example concerning upcoming events. This kind of exterior information boards can also constitute a reliable source of information regarding a history of a particular place. Moreover, it cannot be overlooked that aluminum information boards, as well as boards made out of different materials, can be regarded as guides given that those objects of street furniture frequently contain maps of a city or a region.

Having observed a high demand for outdoor display cases, we have prepared a wide variety of those products. We offer products made of galvanized steel and sheet metal as well as OSB boards in various sizes (ranging from the smallest to very big). Our offer also includes internal information boards which can be installed for instance in the area of offices or workplaces.

Both our exterior and internal information boards are characterized by interesting design (universal and classical), which attracts attention and is suited to the climate of a particular place. Our offer also includes lockable information boards which keep all notices secure and prevent unauthorized access.

Check our offer of aluminum information boards and other models of boards.